$40,000 donated to four charities in support of extracurricular youth education programs
We are delighted to have donated $40,000 to four charities in support of extracurricular youth education programs relating to the environment. The recipients are The Bermuda National Trust, The Bermuda Zoological Society, The Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute and Waterstart.
The work that these organizations do, links with the Garden Club’s objectives by providing educational opportunities for our children and will potentially benefit the community at large and future generations.
Pictured Left to right: Betty Dale, GCB; Karen Border, BNT; Stephanie Toro and Ian Walker, BZS; Karla Lacey and Julie Steele BUEI; J.P. Skinner, Waterstart; Jane Clipper GCB.

$5,000 raised for KBB
In its 100th anniversary year, The Garden Club Keep Bermuda Beautiful representative Susan Black presented a $5,000 cheque to KBB, which will enable KBB to purchase litter grabbers and clean-up kits for volunteers.

$3,660 raised for KBB
Garden Club President Cindy Young and Garden Club KBB representative Sue Black present garbage and recycling bags and ‘picker-uppers’ to Ann Hyde of Keep Bermuda Beautiful in June 2019.

Botanical Art Exhibition
Cindy Young’s arrangement for the Botanical Art Exhibition at the Bermuda City Hall, May 2018.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th birthday
The Garden Club’s members are regular contributors each year to the floral decorations for the Government House Queen’s birthday cocktail party, including the occasion of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th birthday. Pictured: Jan MacDonald & Karen Smithworking on one of the many beautiful arrangements on display at the Governor’s cocktail party.

$3,000 raised for KBB
During our April 2016 General Meeting, President Anna Fulton (left) presented KBB representative Sue Black with a cheque for $3,000 on behalf of The Garden Club of Bermuda in support of the work done by Keep Bermuda Beautiful, a former offshoot of the Garden Club.

$2,500 towards the Bermuda Railway Trail & Bridges project
At the Garden Club’s General Meeting in October 2015, Tucker Murphy gave an interesting talk on the railway trail and bridges. The Garden Club presented Mr. Murphy with a cheque for $2,500 towards this worthwhile project.

Garden Club pots up for KPMG’s Green Initiative
The Garden Club was asked if it would supply desk plants, handed to the first 50 KPMG employees to arrive at work, as part of KPMG’s Green Initiative. KPMG Bermuda believes that sustainable communities are directly tied to how well we live in our environment. The KPMG Green Committee has a number of annual initiatives and goals which are supported by lunch & learns, quizzes, posters, audits (eg waste and paper usage) and quarterly giveaways. This year they started a Tip of the Month with February being “Improve your indoor air quality with plants and by keeping your home and office well ventilated”. President Susan Conyers and a small group took on the project, the results of which can be seen above. The project was hailed a success, so much so that KPMG are planning to repeat it. A donation by KPMG was made which will be applied to our annual Scholarships, and Community activities.
$10,000 raised for KBB
The Garden Club of Bermuda donated $10,000 in 2015 towards Keep Bermuda Beautiful’s (KBB) fundraising drive. KBB was originally an offshoot of The Garden Club, and they are delighted to be able to support this very worthwhile organisation. The presentation was made at our January 2015 General Meeting.
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Becoming a member of the Garden Club will provide you with unique opportunities to learn new skills, have some fun and form new friendships with others who share your interests.