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About us

Mrs. Betty Dale, Garden Club of Bermuda President 2022 - 2024

The Garden Club of Bermuda was started in 1921 to stimulate interest in horticulture, floral design and related subjects, and to aid in the conservation of natural resources of the Island. To this end its members work hard to raise money for horticultural and environmental scholarships, and to support the local environmental community, whilst having fun along the way!

Eight general meetings are held annually (October to May) during which the business of the Club is transacted and members compete for points in various categories – flowers, fruit and vegetables, flower arranging and plant sharing. A guest speaker is invited.

Major fundraisers such as the Open Houses and Gardens programme are organised when possible, and the Club annually provides financial assistance to a number of Bermudians who wish to study overseas in the fields of horticulture, landscape architecture, environmental studies and related subjects through their scholarship programme.

Many members are accomplished floral designers whose work is often seen in our churches, Open Houses programme and other public places. Some compete and judge in overseas events. Please refer to this website for details. Members participate regularly in the annual Agricultural Exhibition as exhibitors, stewards, judges and judges’ assistants. The Club was a founding member of Keep Bermuda Beautiful, and supports the work of the Bermuda National Trust and other projects throughout the islands.

Please browse through our website; we are a very busy Club and have many activities for those interested in any aspects of gardening and floriculture. We welcome new members, and are always looking for volunteers to help with our many fun projects. Above all members will attest to the camaraderie and friendships forged as a result of becoming involved in this special organisation. And if you are looking for floral art inspiration, this is the place. Please enjoy the many wonderful floral displays in our website created by our very talented members.

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Becoming a member of the Garden Club will provide you with unique opportunities to learn new skills, have some fun and form new friendships with others who share your interests.

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